This site is still under construction, but already has significant data. If it has helped you, and or you have something to add let me know. We will also post you in the Smith tree with your line of descent. Past ADRS members
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Donald F. Smith
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, John 3, Stephen 4, Stephen 5, Jonathan 6, Jonathan 7, Spencer 8, Nathaniel 9.
Franklin E. Smith
Govenor Los Angeles Colony of Mayflower Descendents in the state of California.
Ralph 1, Daniel 2, James 3, Joshua 4, Joshua Jr. 5, Oliver 6, Isaac 7, Martin 8. Charles 9.
Charles P. Smith
Former Governor of Mayflower Descendents in the state of Alaska
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, Samuel 3, Joseph 4, Joseph 5, Joseph 6, Joseph 7, Rufus 8, James 9.
Carol Ann Ferris (Past President)
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, John 3, Stephen 4, Archelaus 5, Archelaus 6, Joseph 7, Thomas 8, Beatrice 9.
Gordon J. Smith
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, John 3, Stephen 4, Archelaus 5, Stephen 6, Lavinia 7, Peter 8, Isreal 9.
Elliott P. Smith
Ralph 1, Thomas 2, Jesse 3, Jesse 4, James 5, Ambrose 6, Platt 7, Harry 8, William 9.
H. Nancy Holder
Ralph 1, Daniel 2, James 3, Joshua 4, Joshua Jr. 5, Oliver 6, Joshua 7, Oliver 8, Harriet 9.
Ruth Stone
Ralph 1, Daniel 2, James 3, Joshua 4, Asa 5, Nancy 6, Margaret Ann Whitehead.
Bonnie Wright (formerly Cummings)
Ralph 1, Thomas 2, David 3, David 4, Jesse 5, Warren 6, Charles 7, Verne 8, Verne 9.
Cal Cahoon
Gov Emeritus Los Angeles Colony of Mayflower Descendents in the state of California
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, John 3, Stephen 4, Stephen 5, Tabitha 6, Atwood Cahoon.
Kieth J. Duffield
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, John 3, Stephen 4, Achelaus 5, Hezekiah 6, Abigail 7, Ephraim Atkins.
Wayne Andrews
Ralph 1, Daniel 2, James 3, Solomon 4, Amos 5, Sylvester 6, Emily 7, Edward Andrews.
Tom Gleason
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, John 3, Samuel 4, Samuel 5, Kesiah 6, Gleason.
Bradford L. Smith
Ralph 1, Thomas 2, David 3, David 4, Zara 5, Samuel O. 6, Thomas 7, Elisha W. 8, O.L. 9.
Russell Pike
Ralph 1, Thomas 2, David 3, David 4, Zara 5, Samuel O. 6, Thomas 7, Elisha W. 8, O.L. 9.
Deanna Rosser
Ralph 1, Daniel 2, James 3, Levi 4, Eleazer 5, Levi 6, Joshua E. 7, Clinton J. 8, Clifford I. 9.
Sherry L. Cook
Ralph 1, Daniel 2, James 3, Levi 4, Eleazer 5, Levi 6, Joshua E. 7 Nettie M. 8, Blanche R. Miller.
Mrs. June B. Lazich
Governor of Mayflower Descendents in the state of California
Ralph 1, Thomas 2, Ralph 3, Phoebe 4, Enoch Brainerd
Dr. Albert V. Smith
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, Samuel 3, Joseph 4, Joseph 5, Joseph 6, Joseph 7, Rufus 8, James 9.
Charlotte A Line (past President)
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, John 3, Stephen 4, Archelaus 5, Archelaus 6, Stewart 7, Judah 8, Charlotte I. Larken.
Verne Smith
Ralph 1, Thomas 2, David 3, David 4, Jesse 5, Warren 6, Charles 7, Verne 8, Verne 9.
Thomas Edward Smith
Ralph 1. Thomas 2. David 3. Solomon 4. Theodore 5. David K. 6. James Snow 7. Thomas 8. Arthur Wellsley 9.
Rhonda "Bonnie" Lowe Wingate Jackson
Ralph 1, Samuel 2, John 3, Mercy, Hemen Kenny
Tom Lincoln
Ralph 1, Thomas 2, Ralph 3, Isaac 4, Ralph 5, Ralph 6, Heman 7, Ola 8
Sean Smith
Ralph 1. Samuel 2, John 3, Stephen 4, Archelaus 5, Archelaus Jr 6, Archelaus III 7, Joseph 8, Timothy 9
Madelyn Liberti (past president)
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